Confession time. I’m addicted to being busy. Slowing down? It’s not my forte. Over my handful of decades on this earth, I’ve had to force myself more than once to quit a few things because I’d taken on far too much. I’ve had problems saying “no” to things people asked me to do. Now as […]
Holiday Gift Ideas for Busy Moms
When someone asks me what I want for the holidays, it takes me awhile to come up with things. And when I do have a “list” to share it tends to be really practical stuff: socks, clothes, things to help me organize. This year, with buying a house and doing renovations, I literally asked my […]
Nanowrimo Prep: Give Yourself Permission to Do This
It’s almost time for Nanowrimo, otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month. This “event” is to help encourage writers to get the novels out of their heads and onto the paper (or computer screen, I should say) in just one month’s time. If it sounds crazy, it kind of is… but it is also really […]
Letting Go of Perfection: I’m a Hot Mess Mom, and I’m (Working on Being) Okay with That
I need to regularly remind myself that the things people often put on social media are their highlight reel. They’re not our full lives: the heartaches, the disappointments, the anxiety…. I need to remind myself of that, so I figured others might need this reminder too. There’s a reason that I say this blog is […]
Work From Home Mom Challenges, But 5 Reasons It’s Worth Every Second
Working from home isn’t at all what I expected it to be. Before I had my first, I thought, naively, oh, since I’ll be home, I’ll have SO much time to get things done! My daughter will sleep or play, while I do work, and the house will always be clean. HA! That was definitely […]