Before having my first child, I knew life as we knew it was totally going to change. But as much as I read all the pregnancy and parenting books, and joined a bunch of online mommy groups and read all sorts of advice… there was one thing I don’t think anyone could have prepared me […]
What my three-year-old thinks of “work”
Lately, Little Miss has been climbing into our window seat when my husband leaves for work, opening the window, and yelling, “bye daddy! I love you so much!” It is so incredibly sweet and endearing. But then one day she had something to add to her declaration of love. “Where is your work?” She shouted. […]
Michigan Vacations Have Turned Into Trips… But That’s Okay
My family and I have been coming up to northern Michigan for as long as I can remember… when I think of summer, I think of the sandy beaches, skipping rocks on the water, kayaking down the nearby river, jumping waves and “body” surfing, bonfires and looking at the sky fill with stars. Growing up, […]
Lessons Learned from Bringing a Baby to Younique Convention
I remember going to Younique convention last year while I was almost 5 months pregnant and being in awe of my fellow Y sisters who traveled with their babies. But it also made me realize, I can do this too in 2017! Seeing others do what I wanted to do, as I’ve learned time and […]
What The Trolls Movie Teaches My Daughter (and Me) About Getting Back Up Again
There are a few kid movies that seem to be on replay in our house. Moana, for one. And a close second: Trolls. Thankfully with both, the soundtrack is phenomenal, so I don’t mind it much when Little Miss constantly belts out “How Far I’ll Go” or “Get Back Up Again.” In fact, I absolutely […]