Sometimes my kids want more than paint and paper when it’s art time. When that’s the case, we tend to do nature art and crafts. That’s because we find so much inspiration in the outdoors. Plus, it challenges them to think of art and painting in a different way. Last but certainly not least, we […]
Work From Home Parents Share Tips On Juggling Work with Young Kids at Home
Let’s be honest. In both office and work from home settings, there are distractions. But the distractions are different. Instead of a coworker popping into your cubicle to catch up, now you have a young kid tugging at your shirt asking for a snack for the millionth time since they woke up. Or saying they’re […]
Little Miss’s Birthday Reminded Me to Focus on What We Can Do Instead of What We Can’t
I dreaded telling little miss that we had to cancel her birthday plans, including her party. A week ago, we sat together on her bed as I reminded her about why we were staying home, and I broke the news that we had delay her party. She teared up, briefly upset, but then she looked […]
6 Awesome Craft Kits Kids Love From Oriental Trading
We have a wee bit of an obsession with art and crafts in our house. As in, my kids are constantly creating. While they often do things from “scratch,” I also like to have a handful of craft kits on hand that make it easy to keep them entertained and occupied for at least a […]
Homeschooling Parents Share Tips for Learning at Home
First, take a breath. Then, repeat after me: Your job is not to homeschool. Homeschooling, after all, is a decision that parents make. What is happening right now is not a choice we made. Many of us were thrown into this situation in an effort of social distancing. Schools were called off, many for “indefinite” […]