With learning at home continuing for the foreseeable future, I’ve been focused on finding activities that not only engage my kids but also teach them a thing or two. In other words: this holiday season, their list includes fun educational gift ideas. After all, learning should be fun… and I’d rather buy them something that […]
5 Tips for Facing the Blank Page
So you want to write, but you’re unsure of where to start. Or, perhaps you’re worried that whatever you write won’t be as good as it sounds in your head? Facing the blank page can be hard. Getting started can be hard. Finding the right words can be hard. But there are ways to trick […]
Creative Writing: Why I Welcome Criticism
I write every day, clicking away at my keyboard. This is, naturally, a solitary activity, unless you count the dog who usually cuddles by my side or my kids who are often upstairs for quiet time (when they’re not asking me for a snack for the millionth time). Sometimes I’ll join my writing group, particularly […]
Tips for Building Resilience: Book Review of “You are Awesome” by Neil Pasricha
It’s no secret that I love Brene Brown and her work on vulnerability and shame. Her books — and TedTalks, and Netflix show, etc. — have helped me realize I’m not alone in a lot of what I feel and struggle with. One of her “catchphrases,” if you will, has turned into a life hack […]
Writing Tips: The Best and Worst Writing Advice I’ve Ever Received
My English professor sorted through a stack of books on his desk in his poorly-lit office, searching for an anthology that had a story he wanted me to read. We were meeting to talk about my creative writing, but as my time at college was coming to a close, he asked the question that near […]