Introducing my semi-regular series all about what I’m reading. I’m a voracious reader. At any given time lately I’m reading at least three different books. What I pick up depends on my mood, but I’m often rotating between middle grade/young adult fiction, historical fiction, as well as something nonfiction — but I’ll pick up anything […]
How ‘The Read-Aloud Handbook’ Changed The Way We Read to Our Kids
I’ve always been a big reader. I grew up going to the library and bringing piles of books home with me. On vacations, I’d bring more books than there were days of the week; in the pre-Kindle and tablet days, I was worried I’d run out of things to read! So, when I had kids, […]
Nanowrimo Prep: Give Yourself Permission to Do This
It’s almost time for Nanowrimo, otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month. This “event” is to help encourage writers to get the novels out of their heads and onto the paper (or computer screen, I should say) in just one month’s time. If it sounds crazy, it kind of is… but it is also really […]
The Courage to be Vulnerable: Book Review of ‘Daring Greatly’ by Brene Brown
I’m going to get vulnerable here… and this is new for me. I feel like I’ve always been concerned with how other people perceived me. I always worried that I was too awkward and too weird. Or maybe too quiet. Or that I never knew what to say. In turn, I never felt “good enough.” […]
My History with Words… and Introducing my Path to Publication
I feel like this is a bit of a coming out for me… even though I’ve been writing nearly my entire life. At 8 years old, I walked into my 3rd-grade classroom during recess and told my teacher Mrs. Engle that I’d rather stay inside and write. Instead of pushing me out the door, she […]