My daughter is obsessed with water, and taking one cup to fill another. I’m sure it’s a toddler thing. But the other night during bath time, she was pouring the water back and forth, and she suddenly looked in the empty cup, and exclaimed, “Where did it all go?!?” Maybe it was my tired pregnant […]
Finding Beauty Everywhere; Book Review of ‘A Different Beautiful’
I first learned about Brenna shortly after she was born. News came from my sister-in-law, a best friend to Brenna’s mom Courtney Westlake, that the little girl — born just before Christmas — was fighting for her life due to a rare skin condition. This sweet little fighter named Brenna not only survived, but eventually […]
The Importance of Positive Energy: Review of ‘The Energy Bus’ by Jon Gordon
I’ve been called an ‘optimist’ plenty of times in my life. It’s often a compliment. But it isn’t always. I’ve had people roll their eyes at me and wonder how I could possibly have taken something positive out of something negative. But here’s the thing: not everything rolls off my shoulders. Sometimes it takes me […]
Lessons in Resilience and Never Giving Up
I love the age Little Miss is at right now — almost two years old. (Then again, I feel like I say that at every new “age.”) The connections she’s making, the words she’s learning, her bubbling personality. Everything! Of course though, with growing up and learning so much, she’s also discovering the world doesn’t […]
Welcome to my Oops and Daisies blog
I love being inspired. And lucky for me, a lot inspires me: traveling, food, people, makeup (seriously – more on that later), a good book… really anything with a history. An ability to tell a story. Our stories, the ones we share and the ones we prefer to keep to ourselves, are full of downs […]