I was first introduced to network marketing when I was a kid… back then, my extrovert of a mom sold magnets (for health) through Nikken and cleanses with Isagenix. It wasn’t something I could ever see myself doing; after all, I’m a quiet, stick-behind-the-computer kind of gal. I couldn’t see myself doing events, or talking to strangers about products that I was selling like my mom was so good at.
But the world of network marketing has changed quite a bit over the past couple decades, even more remarkably in the last few years. That’s in large part to this online world we live in where people are getting their news and stories from the web, and keeping up to date with their family and friends through social media. Plus, I found my own product that I wear every day and love (and love to share, for that matter). And that, my friends, is how I personally got into network marketing and ‘selling’ makeup.
I put ‘selling’ in quotes because it doesn’t feel like selling. I’m simply sharing the love of the makeup I use and wear every day. And yes I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone more times than I can count — and talked to so many women looking for something to treat themselves — and I’ve never been happier. Seriously. I credit network marketing to so many positive changes in my life, not just financially. I’ve found a work, life, harmony I didn’t realize I craved until I started my online direct sales business. After all, network marketing fits so seamlessly into my life now. I work where, when, and how I want to… that’s the beauty of this biz. I just wish I’d realized it that I was capable of doing this biz when I was even younger!
Are you in network marketing? Or have you considered it? I’d love to talk to you!