I’m thrilled to introduce Morgan Crane, a personal friend and my mentor with Younique. Long before Morgan started in network marketing and direct sales, I looked up to her and admired her fearlessness when she started her first business in photography. Her attitude and work ethic too are incredible, and it was her success that helped me step out of my own shell and find my own path as an entrepreneur too.
That’s one reason of many I’m excited that she’s our first “story of success” on the blog. Here she talks about her entrepreneurial journey, what she found when she grew with Younique, and what success means to her. I hope you find her as inspiring as I do.
1. Tell us a bit about yourself!
I’m Morgan Crane! I’m a 34 year old mother of three pretty incredible kids. My two daughters are 5 and 3 and my son is 3 months old. I’ve been married to my best friend for 7 years and we live in Evanston, IL with our two cats!
2. When and how did you first become an entrepreneur?
I started a photography business in 2009 after I was laid off from my last corporate position. I was completely self taught both as a photographer and a business owner but it worked! I learned so much while running my own company and I was able to do it while staying home and raising my babies.
3. Where did you first hear about Younique, and when?
Photography actually led me to Younique. My sponsor is a woman I met online through a photography forum! We had been online friends for 6 years when she first shared the Younique Opportunity with me in January 2014. She was having her launch party and not only did the products look really awesome, I couldn’t stop thinking about all the people in my life who would love them.
4. How has your business grown and evolved since it started?
That’s a pretty complicated question. When I started I was learning how to do everything along with everyone who signed up in the first few months. We all learned and grew together. In my first month I had 18 people in my company and now two years later I have over 2,600. Now I’m in a position of a mentor and I love sharing what I’ve learned along the way. I’m also so excited about all the new ideas that people bring to the table and I try to let our business naturally evolve over time. In the beginning I was hardcore about sales and networking and now that has slowed down a little and I focus more on helping other women become successful. Nothing is more rewarding to me than helping other women grow and succeed.
5. What sort of speed bumps have you hit in your business along the way, and how did you handle them?
The two biggest obstacles I’ve had to overcome were feeling stagnant, which was really just in my head, and dealing with people talking about me in a negative way behind my back. Looking back I can see that the times where I was feeling stagnant and feeling like I wasn’t growing were times where I wasn’t taking risks, putting myself out there or trying anything new. I was stagnant because I let myself become that way. As soon as I was able to get out of my own way, things would start rocking again! The mental component of being in business for yourself is so huge and so often overlooked. You make or break your own success!
The second obstacle of people talking behind my back was a tough one to swallow. In general, I like to make people happy. I consider myself to be extremely helpful and oriented towards solving problems. I was also a bit of a people pleaser. I based some of my self worth on external validation. So, as my business got bigger and I touched more people it got back to me that there were people who found me to be “too much” or “annoying” and even “too helpful” whatever that means. At first I was REALLY hurt by this. Really hurt. But what came out of it was the life lesson that I’m going to be 100% ME and give everything I have to give and if people can’t handle it, it’s their loss, not mine. I’m not here to edit myself or dull myself down for someone else’s comfort. I earned the status I am at by being 100% myself and giving it everything I have. I’ll tell you what. I’ve learned that not everyone will respond to your style of leadership but the ones that do will be fiercely loyal. The relationships I’ve built by being absolutely true to myself are some of the strongest relationships of my life.

6. What do you love most about what you do? (And WHY do you do what you do?)
I could write a book about this. Maybe I will someday. What I love most about my job is empowering women. My job is to make women feel confident,powerful and beautiful. Whether it’s a mom who feels like herself again for the first time in years after putting on some makeup, or a woman able to quit a job that she hates because she’s earning enough with Younique to replace that income. My life goal is to touch the lives of women all over the world and make sure they know they are valuable, they are beautiful and that they are enough. We live in a world where women are beaten down on a daily basis, both literally and figuratively. I’m here to lift them up.
7. What’s your definition of success?
Success is a tricky word for me. I’ve accomplished so many things I’ve wanted to accomplish but there’s always something MORE. The goalposts are always moving. I’m an achievement oriented person so I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to rest on my laurels and call myself successful. It’s a blessing and a curse because while it keeps me going forward and climbing higher mountains, it also can prevent me from enjoying what I have already done. My vision of “success” would be debt free, in a home that we own and love, and freedom to travel and pursue experiences. I already feel immensely successful in reaching women and lifting them up though. I’m proud that I am already able do that.
8. What piece of advice would you give to someone looking to start their own business, network marketing or otherwise?
Give it everything you’ve got! People won’t take you seriously if you don’t go all in. Decide what you want to do, make a plan, and go for it with the energy of a freight train. People are always watching you and passion and drive are contagious. People respect hustle. Channel your inner 5 year old who knows what she wants and is willing to be persistent enough to get the result she seeks. Don’t cut corners. Be true to yourself. People respect integrity. Surround yourself with other go-getters and ignore the nay-sayers. What you put out into the universe will come back to you and if you are working hard and you believe in yourself, you will succeed. Just keep going.
9. Anything else you’d like to share?
Thank you so much for featuring me! I’m truly honored. I believe in the power of women and I believe that together we are stronger.
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Thank you Morgan! I know you personally have helped lift me up by introducing me to the opportunity with Younique, and you continue to inspire me on a daily basis. And I truly can’t thank you enough for that!
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