To my darling kids – I know this isn’t what we thought this was school year going to look like. I remember, back in January, talking about how the next school year was going to be different. We talked about how you, little miss, were going to finally be in full-day school. We talked about […]
6 Awesome Craft Kits Kids Love From Oriental Trading
We have a wee bit of an obsession with art and crafts in our house. As in, my kids are constantly creating. While they often do things from “scratch,” I also like to have a handful of craft kits on hand that make it easy to keep them entertained and occupied for at least a […]
5 Activities To Keep Young Kids Entertained So You Can Get Stuff Done (No Pinterest Skills Required)
My work at home “schedule” typically means working during quiet/nap time and after bed, but since I’m spending my kids’ sleep times working, it doesn’t leave much time for other things like laundry, dishes, and getting other household stuff done. Sure the kids can “help” out even at their age, kind of. Little guy has […]