I have always loved the concept of mindfulness: slowing down and being present. But as a mom? With two young kids? Practicing mindfulness can be, shall we say, difficult. While I have found small ways of working it into my life over the years, I’ve always been on the lookout for new approaches to mindfulness […]
Tips for Building Resilience: Book Review of “You are Awesome” by Neil Pasricha
It’s no secret that I love Brene Brown and her work on vulnerability and shame. Her books — and TedTalks, and Netflix show, etc. — have helped me realize I’m not alone in a lot of what I feel and struggle with. One of her “catchphrases,” if you will, has turned into a life hack […]
The Courage to be Vulnerable: Book Review of ‘Daring Greatly’ by Brene Brown
I’m going to get vulnerable here… and this is new for me. I feel like I’ve always been concerned with how other people perceived me. I always worried that I was too awkward and too weird. Or maybe too quiet. Or that I never knew what to say. In turn, I never felt “good enough.” […]
Finding Beauty Everywhere; Book Review of ‘A Different Beautiful’
I first learned about Brenna shortly after she was born. News came from my sister-in-law, a best friend to Brenna’s mom Courtney Westlake, that the little girl — born just before Christmas — was fighting for her life due to a rare skin condition. This sweet little fighter named Brenna not only survived, but eventually […]
The Importance of Positive Energy: Review of ‘The Energy Bus’ by Jon Gordon
I’ve been called an ‘optimist’ plenty of times in my life. It’s often a compliment. But it isn’t always. I’ve had people roll their eyes at me and wonder how I could possibly have taken something positive out of something negative. But here’s the thing: not everything rolls off my shoulders. Sometimes it takes me […]