“Look mom!” my two-year-old declared. “Paw patrol tower!” He pointed to his latest creation: a very tall stack of duplos, complete with what he said was a “slide” at the top. It was not, in fact, a slide, but more Duplos. (Affiliate links included). His creativity astounded me and almost convinced me that he didn’t […]
Holiday Gift Ideas for Busy Moms
When someone asks me what I want for the holidays, it takes me awhile to come up with things. And when I do have a “list” to share it tends to be really practical stuff: socks, clothes, things to help me organize. This year, with buying a house and doing renovations, I literally asked my […]
20 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas Under $20
I don’t know about you, but I often find it hard to ask for things that I “want.” So when people like my hubby and mom ask what I’d like for my birthday, or for Mother’s Day, I often gravitate toward the things I need. (Honestly, let’s be real, sometimes I just *need* a nap, […]