When I was eight years old, I told everyone I met what I wanted to be when I grew up: an author. Thirty-three years later, that dream finally came true. It wasn’t the path I expected – but, really, when is the path ever what we expect? *** Oops & Daisies contains affiliate links & […]
How to Create a Vision Board: The Power of Visualization:
I cracked open another moving box. As with the other ones, it was jam packed with office odds and ends. I took out a few folders and found a place for them within my desk. A couple books went up on a shelf. And then a poster board. Although it was clearly worn and creased, […]
5 Tips to Breaking Habits and Making New Ones
Habits are crazy things. Sometimes we create them without even meaning to, and then when we go attempt to change them? It can be really, really hard to get out of our old ‘auto-pilot’ setting and into a new one. Take for example, our old dishwasher. Yes, I said dishwasher. In our apartment, the dishwasher’s […]
Lessons from Little Miss: Spreading Sparkles
Little miss and I were at gymnastics a few weeks back when she put her tiny little toddler hand into her pocket, pretended to grab something, and then lifted her hand high into the air. “Sparkles!” she shouted! (And yes, at first, I was a tad confused… but thankful there was no ‘real’ glitter in […]
What Fills Your Cup? The Importance of Self-Care
My daughter is obsessed with water, and taking one cup to fill another. I’m sure it’s a toddler thing. But the other night during bath time, she was pouring the water back and forth, and she suddenly looked in the empty cup, and exclaimed, “Where did it all go?!?” Maybe it was my tired pregnant […]