My family and I recently got back from a two-week vacation up in northern Michigan – my happy place! It’s a trip we make often since my family owns some rental homes there. While we always have a wonderful time, it’s not a quick drive by any means: we’re looking at a minimum of 4.5 […]
Why Self Care Is Important; How to Make Yourself a Priority Even When You’re Busy
Self care often falls down our to-do list… but I’d argue that when we’re busy and overwhelmed is when we need self care the most. Here’s how to fit it into your busy life.
Nanowrimo Prep: Give Yourself Permission to Do This
It’s almost time for Nanowrimo, otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month. This “event” is to help encourage writers to get the novels out of their heads and onto the paper (or computer screen, I should say) in just one month’s time. If it sounds crazy, it kind of is… but it is also really […]
So Much More than Makeup: Younique 2018 Convention Reflections
Sometimes you start something because you’re looking to try something new, or you’re working on making more money, or whatever. But then it turns into something so much more than you ever expected. That’s how Younique has been for me. I started my journey in August 2014. (I still can’t believe it’s been four years […]
The Courage to be Vulnerable: Book Review of ‘Daring Greatly’ by Brene Brown
I’m going to get vulnerable here… and this is new for me. I feel like I’ve always been concerned with how other people perceived me. I always worried that I was too awkward and too weird. Or maybe too quiet. Or that I never knew what to say. In turn, I never felt “good enough.” […]