I’ve always been an introvert, more comfortable with my books and behind a computer than I am making small talk. Growing up, I remember walking to middle school with one of the more popular girls. She chatted a mile a minute, and I’d try to come up with something to say, practice it in my […]
Working at Home with Kids: 3 Reasons I Don’t Clean During Naptime
By the end of the day, it appears like a toy bomb has gone off. Toy cars are stashed under chairs. Stickers somehow end up on the trash can and fridge, and why are they on the floor? Baskets lay empty, because… well, kids. But despite this mess? I don’t clean up during nap time. […]
Why Self Care Is Important; How to Make Yourself a Priority Even When You’re Busy
Self care often falls down our to-do list… but I’d argue that when we’re busy and overwhelmed is when we need self care the most. Here’s how to fit it into your busy life.
In Praise of Slowing Down
Confession time. I’m addicted to being busy. Slowing down? It’s not my forte. Over my handful of decades on this earth, I’ve had to force myself more than once to quit a few things because I’d taken on far too much. I’ve had problems saying “no” to things people asked me to do. Now as […]
Holiday Gift Ideas for Busy Moms
When someone asks me what I want for the holidays, it takes me awhile to come up with things. And when I do have a “list” to share it tends to be really practical stuff: socks, clothes, things to help me organize. This year, with buying a house and doing renovations, I literally asked my […]