Working from home isn’t at all what I expected it to be. Before I had my first, I thought, naively, oh, since I’ll be home, I’ll have SO much time to get things done! My daughter will sleep or play, while I do work, and the house will always be clean.
HA! That was definitely a ‘pre-kid’ mindset. I had no conception of how life (and work) would change so drastically once our family grew. And if you’re thinking of venturing into WAHM life territory, keep reading, because I’ve got some truth bombs.
When my daughter arrived, I went part time at The International Kitchen and only went into the office two days a week, and then worked a few more hours from home. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was basically testing the waters of WAHM life. (Affiliate links included).
But quickly, I learned that it wasn’t so cut and dry. I wasn’t clocking in and out at 9am and 5pm anymore. I was in charge of my time — but so too was this sweet, cuddly baby, who often would rather nap in my arms than elsewhere. Fast forward a few years and the arrival of my second child. If I thought working from home with one was a challenge; adding a second to the mix? That really made juggling work and home life interesting, especially now that I’m home full time! I also learned pretty early on that both my kids love playing with keyboards, so working on a laptop while they were awake is often a no go.
As the kids get older, juggling my many hats has started to get easier. Working from home, I’ve learned, takes organization, focus, and a whole lotta flexibility. I won’t claim I work the average 40 hours a week, but I make the most of the hours I do work.
So, without further ado, here’s a bit why I’m addicted to the work-at-home life.
Zero Commute
While my old commute often involved reading a book on the Chicago el, I do not miss the traffic and crowds of getting to and from work. Now, my commute involves setting my daughter up for quiet time (art supplies like these dot markers are a hit around here), putting my son down for a nap, and heading to either the couch or my desk… a.k.a. 20-40 feet, or one minute.
I’m the boss
I’ll be honest. This takes getting used to. I’m in charge… of what I do and how I spend my time. If I slack, I’m the only one who can be blamed. To be honest, that’s an adjustment! But it’s also freeing. When my kids are sick, I don’t need to call in. I don’t need to lose income. I can be home with them when they need me… and that’s pretty darn priceless.
My time is more productive
With less hours for me to “clock” in, since I mainly work during nap/quiet time or at night, I’ve learned to be more productive. That often means time blocking (read more about that here), and now using my bullet journal to keep myself organized. (Read about how to set up a bullet journal here).
Now when it’s work time, I open up my bullet journal or Google calendar and I’ve planned out what I’m going to be working on for that day. No wasting time! Or, at least wasting less. And maybe even more importantly, it’s helped me be present more in daily life. While I’m playing with my kids, I’m not thinking (as much) of what sort of work I’ll be working on later, because I have it planned out in advance.
My Office Is Wherever I Want it to Be
Working from home doesn’t always mean that I’m at home. It means I can work from anywhere… and with my makeup business that’s largely from my phone . But it also means I can go up to Michigan to see my family whenever and continue to work, if I want. Because, again, I’m the boss.
Flexible Hours
Gone are my 9 to 5 days. Now I work when it fits into my schedule. I have gals on my makeup business team who work full time and they squeeze in work at night, or on lunch breaks. For me, my work and writing schedule is typically at nap time (or quiet time for little miss) and after the kids go to bed. I set my hours, and I decide how much I’ll be working any given day.
In the past year-plus that I’ve been home full time, I’ve learned a whole lot more about working from home. I feel like I’m juggling a lot — but what mom isn’t? And my WAHM life gives me the best of both worlds, professional fulfillment and time at home with my kiddos… and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.
(If you’d like to talk to me more about what I do with my makeup business, and how you can too, shoot me an email or check out my site.)
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