Discover the creative writing of Liz SanFilippo Hall, including her books, short stories, and essays.
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Children’s Books
Etta Betta thinks her parents brought home a beast as a pet. He sits on her puzzles, slobbers, and his farts? They’re the absolute WORST. But the Beast is determined to prove he’s not so stinky – and rather silly – in this tale about the eventual friendship between a girl and her bulldog. Now available in paperback and hardcover.
Guest Contributor
Hot Doug’s The Book: Chicago’s Ultimate Icon of Encased Meats
Hot Doug’s owner Doug Sohn takes readers on a journey into the history of encased meats while also regaling us with tales related to his infamous hot dog restaurant. I was invited to contribute a couple stories as an “average Joe,” from my time as a hot dog reporter (no joke!), which are featured alongside stories from far-more famous people than me, including Paul Kahan, Mindy Segal, and Aziz Ansari.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Dog Did What?
Our bulldog came to associate the word “oops” with one thing and one thing only: dropped food. But learning that “command” led to one hilarious incident.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Cats
“A Christmas Cat”
As a kid, I wanted nothing more than a cat to call my own. One Christmas, I got my wish: but the cat’s arrival – in a house of three young girls – was anything but quiet.
Stranded: Stuck in the Recesses of the Real, the Surreal, and the Supernatural
“Date of Death”
Mandy’s date of death has arrived, according to the government computer system. She just doesn’t know how her life will end.
“Sometimes a Princess”
Haley loves dressing up to play the part of a princess at birthday parties for kids. But her past catches up to her at her latest weekend gig.
“The Thread”
Decima leaves her hut one night to find a single thread from the spider web. On the third night, she follows it, and her life–and destiny–are are forever set in stone.
“The Story of Maryanne Applebee”
Inspired by a true story, a woman shares the tale of how she survived a shipwreck in the Great Lakes.
“Someone New”
Marissa digs into her old diaries, trying to convince herself its time to get rid of them once and for all. Instead, she relives 1995, the year everything changed her–and learns that her memory of that time wasn’t quite accurate after all.
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